Is Ghostwriting The Perfect Remote Job?

And why what you think you know about digital nomads is all wrong.

Nicolas Cole
5 min readOct 2, 2024

What comes to mind when you think of a “digital nomad?”

The image you’re probably thinking of is a 20-something marketing executive who spends half their day posting client content on Instagram while the other half is spent sipping cocktails on a beach in Bali. They’re carefree, enjoying this final taste of freedom before settling down and getting a “real” job.

But, the reality is much different.

Remote work is rising, and in 2023, it was estimated there are 40 million “digital nomads” around the world.

And the most popular remote working hub isn’t a beach in Bali.

No, “digital nomads” flock to:

  • Paris
  • Berlin
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • New York


Because these are some of the most exciting places to build your business, meet like-minded solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, and soak up world-class culture.

If you get past the clichés, being a “digital nomad” (or working remotely) all boils down creating more time and location freedom for yourself.

Because you don’t have to live the life of a digital nomad “influencer” to reap the benefits of remote work.

Remote work allows you to:

  • Travel any time to visit friends and family.
  • Be close to your loved ones when they need you the most.
  • Escape from the shackles of the 9 to 5 lifestyle, which, to be honest, is an outdated way of working we’ve inherited from the Industrial Revolution.

How do I know?

Because when I was a full-time ghostwriter, I worked from anywhere. I was able to travel across the US to visit family and friends. I wrote articles in cabs, in hotel rooms, at airports, on planes. When you have a hard deadline to meet, the idea of having the “perfect” conditions to write is immediately put to bed. If it needs to get done, you always find a way.

So, there’s no wonder there’s been a surge in interest in remote work, especially since the global COVID-19 pandemic showed that we don’t need to always be in one place to do our work, make money, or build our careers.

Which digital nomad path should you take?

Here’s a breakdown on the most popular fields for digital nomads:

Image credit: ThinkRemote.

When you look at this list, a lot of these fields need a ton of:

  • Time to get the business off the ground (and let compounding do its thing)
  • Or money to get the necessary qualifications or equipment to make sure you’re ready to earn a decent living

But there’s one option, not explicitly mentioned here, which doesn’t require a ton of time to get started or a huge upfront investment:


That’s why I firmly believe ghostwriting is the most lucrative career you can follow if you want to build time and location freedom into your life.

Let’s dive into a few more reasons why.

Reason #1: All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Gone are the days of being chained to a desk, either at home or at the office, to earn money.

Ghostwriting frees you from the traditional workspace, requiring only two essential tools: a laptop and an internet connection. Unlike other remote work jobs (like a video editing or graphic design) you don’t need any extra kit (like a high-spec monitor, cameras, etc) to do your job.

This minimalist setup opens up a world of possibilities:

  • Flexibility: Work from home, at a local café, or while traveling the globe.
  • Cost-effective: No need for expensive office equipment or commuting costs.
  • Time-saving: Say goodbye to long commutes and hello to more productive hours.

This leads us to our second point.

Reason #2: There are little to no startup costs.

The startup and running costs for a one-person ghostwriting business are tiny when you compare them to other businesses.

Here’s all you need to get started:

  • An email address — free.
  • A social media account (like on X or LinkedIn) — free.
  • A website builder like Carrd — only $9 per year

That’s it!

But compare this to other ways to make money online (like crypto, dropshipping, or digital products) and ghostwriting quickly becomes an obvious choice — especially because all these other options take a while to compound.

And on top of this, all the money you would’ve spent getting those businesses off the ground (like paying for extra qualifications in web design or spending money on ads for dropshipping) can be used to travel the world and build more location freedom.

Reason #3: Earn more and create location flexibility.

One of the most attractive aspects of ghostwriting is its earning potential.

As you build your skills and client base, you can significantly increase your income:

Because when you work “on the internet” your earning potential is directly linked to how you can differentiate your service, not the town, city, or country you live in.

Reason #4: Demand is always rising.

In the last 10 years, there has been a huge shift in the way companies market themselves.

People are starting to wake up to the fact that customers don’t like to work with faceless companies. Instead, they like to work with and hear from individuals. And this trend is only going to accelerate.

This means the demand for ghostwriters, who work with individuals to help scale their message online, is higher now more than ever before.


Because the people who need ghostwriters:

  • Don’t have the time to write.
  • Often don’t like to write (or don’t want to learn).
  • Need help clarifying their thinking and positioning.
  • Are stuck in old ways of working (and they need help catching up in the digital marketing space!).

And, if you’re worried about AI taking your job, then remember:

So, if you want to break free from your 9 to 5 OR you want to create even more location and time freedom in your freelancing business, then I’d highly recommend becoming a Premium Ghostwriter.

That’s it!

By the way, ghostwriting will be the most lucrative writing opportunity in 2025.

So I created a free, 5-day email course to help you:

• Reposition yourself as a ghostwriter
• Charge premium prices for your services
• Land high-paying clients

Click here to get instant access.



Nicolas Cole

100M+ Views | 5x Author | Co-founder of Ship 30 for 30 | Want to start writing online? Get the Ultimate Guide: