Formatting Techniques For A Newsletter: 5 Simple Tips

Nicolas Cole
7 min readJun 29, 2024

I want to give you five simple tips for formatting a newsletter that your readers will look forward to reading every week.

But first, let’s talk about reader UX 101.

Before a reader dives into your newsletter, they skim it.

The reader needs to SEE your newsletter before they decide whether it is worth reading in detail. If you present the reader with a wall of text, 3 call to action buttons, and a sea of green in the background, the reader is going to mash the red x faster than a spooked fish.

Don’t do this.👇

Great formatting hooks readers and keeps their eyes moving down the page.

  • The reader should be able to skim the subject line and “get it.”
  • And then skim the subheads all the way to the end and “get it.”
  • And then skim the first sentence of any given section and “get it.”

Got it?

Your newsletter could be amazing, but if you skimp on the formatting, nobody is going to read it. And whether your newsletter is short and curated or long and original, Digital



Nicolas Cole
Nicolas Cole

Written by Nicolas Cole

100M+ Views | 5x Author | Co-founder of Ship 30 for 30 | Want to start writing online? Get the Ultimate Guide:

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