Are Your Medium Articles Skimmable? If Not, You’re Losing Views

Nicolas Cole
2 min readDec 7, 2021

Digital readers don’t read linearly.

They skim.

They decide whether or not this piece is for them. They make a snap judgement as to whether or not it’ll be worth their time. They scroll around looking for a section that grabs their attention, speaks to their interests. And then, and only then, do they start reading.

Analog Writers don’t write for these digital readers.

Which is why so many struggle to gain traction on the Internet.

Analog Writers like to believe that readers sit down with a nice cup of coffee and, starting with the first word, make their way linearly through their piece. They like to believe they are the most important thing in the whole wide world to each and every reader, and worst of all, that they are owed a reader’s attention.

But when was the last time you gave a dense piece of writing your undivided attention?

Maybe there’s one or two writers on the planet you care enough about to read their writing straight through, linearly. But for everyone else, you are most likely bouncing around, scrolling, making snap judgements about where to direct your attention and spend the next 30 seconds of your life.



Nicolas Cole

100M+ Views | 5x Author | Co-founder of Ship 30 for 30 | Want to start writing online? Get the Ultimate Guide: